Help Portrait

So being the photography nerd that I am, I read about a million different blogs on a daily basis, some dealing with photographic technique, some with lighting, some with photoshop, and some of good photography hat I just dig looking at.

So, this morning I was perusing my blog list as I normally do, and came across a post from Scott Kelby (photoshop guru) He does what's called "Guest Blog Wednesday" where he hand picks someone awesome from the industry to talk about whatever the hell they want. There have been some awesome posts in this section talking about all sorts of cool things.

I was particularly struck with today's. This is something I will be participating in. I will probably do another post about it when it gets closer to date. Anyway, the way I am going to be doing this is I want to hear from you. Do you have a story that makes you deserving? Do you know someone deserving? Send me some stories, some names, I will pick. This is rad.

Once again, go there, and watch the short video. Click here.