Sage Restaurant, Fair Lawn, NJ

Greetings, It's been a while.  I am a bad blogger.   But, I have news... all sorts of news.  First off regular blogging will commence again very soon.  Wedding season has officially started again, and it had an amazing start.  I will be sharing that in a few days.

But, back to today's order of business.  A few weeks ago I was contacted by the owners of the soon to be opened Sage Restaurant in Fair Lawn.  They needed some artwork for their walls, and were interested in some of my photos. Well, I was more than happy to oblige.  I took a ride down there, met with Lou & Rob, and checked out their space.  We figured some things out and two weeks later I was back with 11 photos to hang.  (Big thank you to my friend Owen for helping me with the installation)

Well, Sage officially opened on Friday, so if you happen to be in the North Jersey area, go to Fair Lawn and eat at Sage.  Their menu looks phenomenal, and I have eaten at one of Lou's other restaurants and can personally attest to the food being superb.  I expect nothing less out of Sage.  And while you're there, enjoy some artwork on the walls.  I'll give you a taste of what's up there, but if you want to see it all, you have to go there.